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Trinity Human Services
BUILDING HOPE IN NEW YORK CITY Trinity Human Services Corporation is working to support individuals and families to fight hunger and poverty in our community What We Do Trinity Human...
2016 Ordination Mass 225
Altar Servers
Those who serve at the altar assist the priest and the sacred administration of his responsibilities during the sacrifice of the Mass. Typically, they are the cross bearer, those who carry the...
Elijah Henderson 197811
We've heard your voice during Mass. Yes, you. Keep doing that beautiful singing that you do--just do it from the choir loft! Get in touch with our Music Director and join one of our Mass's choirs,...
Christian Liebel Os Er K Dsrd Tc Unsplash
Eucharistic Ministers
It is a sacred thing to administer the Body and Blood of Christ to His Church. The high point of each Mass is the transfiguration of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Eucharistic...
Holy Fam 5
Lectors are those who proclaim the Word of God at the celebration of the Eucharist and at other liturgical celebrations. We speak about the Word of God as spoken to us not simply 2000 years ago,...
Bible Study 01 Unsp
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) 
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) is for those who are not Roman Catholic and who now seek entrance into the Catholic Church; it is also for baptized Catholics who have not...
Ushers2 2
Ever had trouble finding a seat on Easter Sunday? Either you were very late, or that Mass didn't have an usher to help people find an open seat. Our ushers greet, welcome, and seat parishioners at...
Vancouver Fall Retreat 157
Young Adults
Building a community of faith is crucial as we head out into the workforce, start families, & follow our dreams. Young Adults at our parish continue the journey to heaven together through...