Franciscan Missionary Sisters at Trinity

Our Sisters

        The Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi (sfma, Suore Francescane Missionarie di Assisi) who live and minister at Trinity are members of the Vice Province of the Immaculate Conception--USA, headquartered in Holyoke, Massachusetts.  In great part due to the efforts of Sister Theresa Mwelva, sfma, the community's Vice Provincial, and Friar Timothy Dore, OFM Conv., Parochial Vicar of the parish, the dream of bringing the sisters to Brooklyn was to become a reality.  They began serving the Parish of Most Holy Trinity--St. Mary in September of 2011 while Friar Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv., was the pastor.  All of the friars, and all of our parishioners, welcomed the sisters with great enthusiasm upon their arrival.  The first to come to Most Holy Trinity--St. Mary were Sr. Mercedes Soggiu, sfma, Sr. Carol Woods, sfma, and Sr. Annie Mbewe, sfma; these sister were a great complement to the presence of the Franciscan Friars who had served the parish since 1981.

Trinity Sisters

Sister Theresa Mwelva, sfma, the Vice Provincial of the sisters' Immaculate Conception Vice Province--USA, accompanied Sisters Carol Woods, sfma, Mercedes Soggiu, sfma, and Annie Mbewe, sfma, on the day they first arrived in the parish in the summer of 2011.

Something of an Historical Perspective about the Friars and the Sisters:

The Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi and the Conventual Franciscan Friars, both communities which are now serving at Most Holy Trinity--St. Mary, are literally brother and sister communities. The sisters' community was founded over three hundred years ago by Mother Angela del Giglio with the help of Conventual Franciscan Friar Joseph Anthony Marcheselli.   The two communities have worked together in many places throughout the world for all of those more than three-hundred years! When the sisters came to Trinity and to Brooklyn, it was the realization of a dream that both communities had for many years. We at Trinity are grateful that Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Ordinary of the Diocese of Brooklyn, gave the FMSA sisters permission to realize the dream of establishing a convent and ministry site for the their community here at Most Holy Trinity–St. Mary.

Trinity Sisters Chapel

The sisters maintain a robust common prayer life in their chapel in the convent at Most Holy Trinity--St. Mary.  Their common prayer life is a great blessing for the entire parish!

Franciscan Community at Trinity

This photo of the entire Franciscan community at Trinity (friars and sisters) was taken in January of 2013.

Trinity Sisters with Fr. Timothy

Fr. Timothy celebrates with the sisters on the occasion of the blessing of their chapel in their convent at Trinity.

Trinity Sisters Convent

The Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi (sfma) Convent at Most Holy Trinity--St. Mary - Our sisters live in a simple apartment style convent located on the third floor of this building on Johnson Avenue. For many years, the convent-apartment was occupied by Sisters of Saint Dominic.  It is truly a holy place!


A favorite expression of St. Francis of Assisi was the Latin phrase “Pax et Bonum.” The saint would greet others with these words, translated as “Peace and all good” in English. “Pax et Bonum” is now used as a motto for Franciscans throughout the world.  May peace and all that is good be yours!

Peace and all good! -- Friede und alles Gute! -- Pokoj i dobro! -- Paz y bien!

A special thank you to Friar Timothy Dore, OFM Conv. for researching and providing the parish history and information for the website.